Don't be afraid to let me know what you all think!!
If you'd like to order this Panda Clippie, the first in this series, just click on the PayPal button to the right!
"But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15)
Don't be afraid to let me know what you all think!!
If you'd like to order this Panda Clippie, the first in this series, just click on the PayPal button to the right!
(Isaiah 25:1)
Hi Jackie,
The clippies are cute. They aren't my style, though ;-) I looked at your previous post, where the girls were wearing them. I enlarged a couple of the pictures. The clippies look cute on the girls. I suspect you received compliments on the clippies from the other parents at the zoo get together.
These are precious! Adorable- you should do very well selling these.
Great job!
These clippies look adorable, Jackie! I think my niece will adore these. She is in love with Pandas so much that she saves every Panda collectible that she can. Anyway, how’s the business going?
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