Michael Jackson also passed away today at the age of 50, and although he will always be remembered for his musical brilliance, sadly he will also be remembered for his many eccentricities and shameful behaviors. To be honest, I have thoroughly loved his music through the three decades that I have been listening to it and at times have felt pity for what his life had become. Fame of the magnitude he experienced does bring immense wealth, notoriety, instant gratification and millions of adoring fans, but it is almost always accompanied with isolation and loneliness. I just thought that I'd post my favorite Michael Jackson photo from the Black or White era. I personally thought he looked his best during this time period and it just may be my favorite Michael Jackson song, too!
If you'd like to watch the video to Black or White, just click HERE!Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
All week long I had been telling the separate age groups the two commands that God gave to Noah after they got off the ark."So God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them: 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.'" (Genesis 9:1) And how the people during the time of the Tower of Babel, who were obviously the direct descendents of Noah and his sons, were deliberately disobeying God and not filling the earth, but staying in one spot to make a name for themselves, at which point God stepped in, confused their language (that is, made up a whole bunch of different ones) and scattered them Himself. "So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth." (Genesis 11:8).
All week long I had been telling the kids this without really giving it much thought as to why God commanded just not Noah, but many others mentioned in the Bible to multiply, and then others He promised that he would multiply their descendents Himself. And the idea of scattering and filling the whole earth? I figured God had a good enough reason and that was okay with me.
I never really gave these two commands much thought or the logic behind them until this morning when one of the other teachers at our VBS and friend of mine sent me this, and then it just smacked me right upside the head. Oh, yeah, I get it now. And guess what, Folks? We haven't been doing it, but this group sure has, and it may be time for us Christians to once again start multiplying before we're forced to scatter and this time not by God.
Friday, June 19, 2009
I would like to make one teensy weensy request of Him, though. I was just humbly wondering if maybe, just maybe, Lord, you could see about making it possible for it to be not quite so hot and humid when we travel, which will more than likely be around Aug 20th, but just a thought, lol.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
This picture here is Roger looking over our garden we planted this year. We got tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, cantaloupe, beans, peas, celery and onions. We also planted in a different spot pumpkins and watermelons and I planted some spinach in a big pot.Logan got her stick and her Pappy; she's ready to start her walk.Leyna forging ahead.Ummm...what's going on with this tree?It looks like lightening struck it! Dangerous, but very cool!Roger, Leyna & Logan making their way through the forest while I pick up the rear. Isn't it the last person in line that always disappears in the movies? Yikes!!Are those turkey tracks?A man on a mission with his dog.This is one mission Pappy must go alone, Logie!Towards the end of our hike, Roger decided to check on the condition of this stream that runs near our house. Looks good!He's a happy man now!Back at the house, Logan enjoys a relaxing swing while taking a much needed drink.Once again, a man with his dog. Notice how Lulu has her back legs crossed.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009