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Saturday, August 16, 2008

As you all may know our first and still active blog is, and that is still up and running, but since our adoption process has now moved into the waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting and I don't think I've mentioned the waiting phase, I've decided to switch gears a bit and have now developed a new and improved Sherwood Family Blog for your reading enjoyment. I'm going to take a big time-out from the other site until something new adoption wise happens and focus now on this one. Hopefully I'll learn a few more tricks of the trade and you'll find this new and improved site fun and interesting. I'll be able to post more pics on this site and I'll get to play around with the layouts and all sorts of other goodies. For those of you who are working on your own blogs, I have a list of helpful sites that are just filled with all kinds of widgets, gadgets, banners, buttons, backgrounds, etc.

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