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Monday, August 18, 2008


The newest addition to our family is Lilly Mae, who arrived right on schedule on August 8th, 2008, weighing in at a whoppin' 4 lbs. 6 ozs. and was 17 inches long, just a little tike. Congratulations to my cousin Justin and his wife Trish on a job well done (most of that job going to Trish, though, lol). All of the pics below were taken today at my Grandma's house (Betty), Lilly's great-grandma.

From left to right and top to bottom: 1. Trish and Justin and their little girl; 2. Lilly Mae on Grandma Sues' lap high-fivin' the world; 3. Grandma Sues (Justin's mom) and Pappy Gary (Justin's dad) with their first grandchild; 4. Cousins Christopher, McKayla and Logan with Lilly Mae; 5. Lilly Mae; 6. Lilly Mae; 7. Aunt Brittine and Uncle Bryan (Justin's brother); 8. Chris (my youngest brother) and his two kids, Christopher and McKayla; 9. Lilly Mae (sensing a pattern here?); 10. Four generations: Lilly Mae, her daddy (Justin), her grandma (Sues), and her great-grandma (Betty); 11. My mom and dad (Sandy and Wes); 12. My mom, me and my granddaughter Logan May.

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