I'm sure I've said it before, but I am not a morning person, at all! It's normally the worst ten minutes of my day, waking up and getting up. No, seriously, just ask Roger. He used to kiss me every morning before he left for work and now I don't even hear him leave in the mornings. Well, it's just so stinkin' early, c'mon!!
Anyhow, my point is, this morning I couldn't wait to get up and get outside. You heard me...I couldn't wait to get up and get outside. And by 1 PM I had cleaned out my big flower garden in the corner of our front yard, which was quite the undertaking, quite a mess from last year. I then raked that said mess all up AND gave the yard its first mowin' of the 2009 season. And I don't use no sissy riding lawn mower either, lol, push mower all the way, folks! And it's a 2 1/2 to 3 hour job let me tell ya to mow the front and back. Whew!! I'm tired even just thinkin' about all that work now.
In the middle of all that, I decided that it was just way too nice of a day not to have a cook-out/picnic, so I called up the kinfolk and my Dad, Chris and Amanda, McKayla and Christopher and Josh came over for some steak, fried potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower salad, and baked beans. Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm good!!
Everyone else had been working pretty hard outside today, too, so by the end all the adults were pretty tired and it shows in the pictures below.
Josh and his goofball cousin Logan.
McKayla and Christopher look on as their well-refined, modest and sneaky cousin Logan comes out from behind the tree after going potty.
Dad relaxing and enjoying the breeze.
Josh and McKayla horsing around.

On his way home, Dad decided to take an ice cream cone to go!

I love this picture of a very dirty faced Logan.

Roger says, "Alright, what's going on out here?"

McKayla kickin back.

Leyna really doesn't like getting her picture taken, lol

So then I took another one!

After cutting wood and picnicing, Chris is wiped out!

McKayla getting into texting her friends.

Chris and Amanda can hardly stay awake, lol

Anyone for hide-n-seek?

Josh and Christopher seeking for Leyna and Logan. I don't think they're up there!!!