Today Logan finally started her first day of preschool. I know, I know, it's a little late, but hey, my mom and I had a trip to China the first two weeks of September so that kinda threw a wrench into the whole thing. Of course we came home with this beautiful little girl, lol, so Logan didn't mind. My mom, Logan's great-granny, is actually homeschooling her so starting on time isn't such a big deal, and also 'cause it is preschool.
Logan had a very good day today and is going to have a great time with her great-granny. To say that my mom does everything to its maximum possible completeness would be a huge understatement. She is a little obsessive compulsive about doing everything correct and as neat as possible so she's the perfect teacher, lol. No, seriously, in another life she really should've been a teacher, and she's very crafty. I'm sure she would have won all kinds of awards, the kids would've loved her, and everything would've been beautiful. As my niece McKayla is fond of saying about my mom, "Everything has to be perfect and laminated!" McKayla was a prior student of my mom's for one year. And for those of you who know her, you know it's true! lol You've witnessed it! She is also homeschooling my nephew Christopher. He's just starting kindergarten. She teaches him in the afternoons and Logan in the mornings. Whew! I dunno how she does it! I certainly couldn't.
Ciara and Logan right before we left to go to their Granny's house
Logan quite possibly looks a little tense about this preschool thing, lol
But even under pressure she can still strike a pose!
The two yahoos back in the chair, lol
Getting ready to go
Ciara even has her own backpack/stuffed puppy carrier with her baby doll inside
At this point Logan looks a little nervous about this preschool business
Can't beat that fake smile!
Walking into school, Granny's house, with Ciara following along wanting so bad to go, too!
Instead of walking down long hallways, Logan just had to walk through the garage, lol
And into her classroom!
You should have seen that desk before my dad completely re-did it, you wouldn't even know it was the same one! That's a Corian top on that desk left over from a countertop they just put in, lol.
Teach me, Granny!
Teacher and student
After about an hour, I sneaked a peak and caught the two of them in action