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Sunday, January 3, 2010


A few pictures from today taken from my front and back porch....and it's still snowing!!!

We have been cooped up in this house for two solid days. Count '!!! And we are going a little stir crazy! Leyna and I may just get brave tomorrow and go into Sugar Grove to get something, anything!! Chocolate sounds good about now!!

Here you can barely see our barn.I know the picnic table should've been put away by now, but that sucker is H.E.A.V.Y! It will be buried soon!


Anonymous said...

We haven't been out much since New Year's Eve. We did make it to Applebee's for lunch one day and to China Panda Buffet for dinner another day. We haven't ventured far from home. Tomorrow, though, we have to go to Jamestown. I'm glad that we have 4-wheel drive. Perhaps I'll have some photographs to share from tomorrow's drive. Can you believe I haven't taken one picture yet this year?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I'm so jealous... I want some snow SO badly. I don't want alot... just a few inches will do. We have the horribly cold weather here --but it's clear. We did have some flurries --but not much. OH--I'm so jealous!!!!!

Have fun--and make a snow angel for me..