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Saturday, November 1, 2008


A few pictures of our little masqueraders!
I'm sorry, Barry, I couldn't help myself. Logan is waving her magic wand over the McCain/Palin 2008 campaign. And a little fairy dust couldn't hurt either!

Has Batman (Christopher) finally found his Enchanted Princess (Logan)?

Or has the enchanted princess finally found her frog prince (Gavin)?

Two members of the Pittsburgh Steelers came out to spend the evening in Warren. Do I see the NFL in Josh and Jake's futures?
And the ghoul, I mean girl, behind this bleeding skeleton face mask is none other than our very own beautiful McKayla, although you wouldn't know it from this picture.
And we can't possibly forget Winnie the Pooh (Madison)?
Of course all the kids had a great time this year, and as with every year I'm sure all of us adults will once again be "nibbling" on all the goodies in the coming months. And come spring 2009 when I mow the grass for the first time, I will find that earring that went to Logan's costume that was lost in the yard hugging her pappy!

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