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Monday, January 26, 2009


My photo entry in the Adult Category ~ WEEK 3 is none other than my husband Roger. I'd like to tell you that he's gazing joyfully at the ole wifeypoo, but alas, he's just drooling over some burgers on the grill.

This week's theme at i heart faces is JOY!


Teresa said...

Your too funny- {oh, men and their meat} fun shot.
Thanks for sharing.

Lori said...

got to love a man at the grill

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh how cute, Jackie. Your honey-poo looks like a 'keeper' even if he wasn't looking at you!!!! He was THINKING about you though I'm sure!!!!


angie {the arthur clan} said...

Isn't that what true joy is for a man ~ cooking meat out on the grill? :) Such a fun shot!

co-founder of I ♥ Faces

P.S. I'm sure he meant to look that way at you...he just got distracted for a moment. ;)

Drew said...

Seems to be a common theme for joy in the men! :)

Drew said...

It just occurred to me...all I need to do is dangle a juicy steak in front of my husband, and I'll get a great shot? I'll have to try it!

ChickenGal said...

Men, they are always about food! He must love his grill too!