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Thursday, December 24, 2009


I just got done asking her if she was excited for tomorrow morning! I think that's a YES!!


Ken and Sharon said...

Merry Christmas Jackie! . . . just read your comment on my blog! Your right, Jie has been blessed with an enormous amount of beautiful thick black hair for a
2 year old. Shu has the thin dark brown hair that is really hard to manage. Ciara's picture is too darn cute today! It's just amazing how these girls have adjusted to our life in just a few short months. I wish we could have made the Christmas party to meet you guys in person. Maybe this summer we can plan a meeting at Idlewild/Storybook Forest! Have a Blessed Christmas . . . Happy Birthday Jesus!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

What a precious picture, Jackie, of that angel.... I am still so very very happy for your new family addition. She is truly adorable.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Kat said...

She is just SOOOO cute! What amazing blessings came about this year!!! God is so good!

The Killackey Family said...

Merry Christmas to you all. Ciara is just as we remember her in China, a smiling and delightful child. It's great to see her fitting in with her family. It is wonderful to see her smiling as always.

Karen and Tom

The Killackey Family said...

Merry Christmas Jackie and family. Ciara is just as we remember her in China, full of smiles. The picture of her is adorable.

God Bless,
Tom and Karen