Saturday, May 22, 2010
Leyna and Logan at dress rehearsal the day before the show. I just love the look on Logan's face.Ciara not cooperating while getting her picture taken, but still looking cute.
All dolled up the afternoon of the show and waiting to go on. Ciara's class was the 3rd act and Logan's was the 11th.
Our beautiful Logan May
Logan's class performed to "Yes, Sir! That's My Baby."
Logan was right smack in the middle!
Ciara's class waiting in the wings. Only ten are actually sitting in this picture, but there were actually 17 that went on stage, lol. Brave teachers!
Waiting backstage to go on!
Ciara is the fifth one from the right, and also the smallest of the bunch, lol. Her class performed to "I'm A Little Teapot."
"Tip me over and pour me out!"
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
We planted peas in the first two rows and the girls are now watering them.Taking a break for a little pizza
The girls each planted their own flowers in these containers...unfortunately since then they all got left outside one night and the frost got 'em. We plan on replanting once the last frost hits at the end of this month, lol.
Logan also started playing soccer this year, and if she's anything like her mother, she's going to be a great athlete. The following pictures are not the best at all, but I couldn't use my flash inside the gym, and for some reason when I don't use the flash with this particular camera, the pictures come out blurry.
And we all know that the most important part of any team is what color your shirts are, and in Logan's book since red is her favorite color, she was on the best team!GOOOOO, RED!!!
And for the past few springs this little guy has been coming back to our feeders, at least I'm assuming it's the same one, it's the only woodpecker that has ever come around.
Our evenings were spent doing various activities like...
Hair dressing...Or recovering from another grueling round of "Go get the ball, Lulu"...
Playing with oven mitts...yes, we play with our oven mitts. Got a problem with that?
Generally lookin' cute...And we built a fort in the livingroom.
Those are Roger's feet sticking outta that fort on the left, lol
There's more, but I guess I'll have to do a Part III, so stay tuned.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Hey, even Lulu got in on the fairy action. She had just been groomed the day before and she was lookin' good!
Logan striking yet another pose!
Have I told you all how thankful I am to our Awesome God for these little fairies lately?