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Saturday, May 16, 2009


Oh, my goodness, this is my oldest niece Lyndsey and her date for her first prom!! That absolutely cannot be right, she's just a little girl. Well, in fact she's a sophomore and a good girl, and he's a senior...YIKES!! Lyndsey says they're just "FRIENDS." Um-hmm.


Anonymous said...

Very nice picture of Lyndsey and her date. You'll see in my blog post for today that Bob and I saw several prom couples while we were at dinner. The girls always look so beautiful in their prom dresses; the boys look so handsome in their suit and ties.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful girl, Jackie... And the guy is handsome also... SO they are just FRIENDS????? Hmmmmmmmm...

How are you??? Haven't heard much since the 'baby' news...Catch me up!