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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

THE BIG 4-5!

I'm telling you all that it's my birthday today, not to get well wishes or a big "Have a Happy Birthday" from everyone (although I've received a ton of them, thank you all again), but to show you this enormous cake my daughter and granddaughter made for me today while I was at work, lol. It is three layers of chocolate, vanilla and strawberry, like Neopolitan ice cream, lol. After making my birthday supper of barbecue spare ribs, homemade fries and corn on the cob, the girls presented me with this cake, complete with not 45 candles, but enough candles to make the number 45. My mom and dad came over for the lighting of the candles on this mammoth cake, and once lit it was like a torch on top, lol. I was almost afraid to blow it out for fear I might singe my eyebrows. And who wants to go to China to meet your new daughter for the first time without any eyebrows? Not me, so I pulled my hair back, kept my distance and blew all those suckers out!

Logan May did some decorating of her own.


Bob said...

Wow! Fire breathing smiley! :-) Happy belated birthday. Hope it was a nice one. Sounds like it was.

Anonymous said...

Nice cake!

Shonni said...

Oh My Goodness! That cake is amazing!