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Friday, September 18, 2009


While we were in China, I foolishly let Ciara "type" on my computer by opening up a blank Word document for her. Now every time I sit down at the computer she wants up on my lap to do more typing...dummy me. Well, I decided to put a stop to it, lol, and this was her solution to what she considered a major problem, lol.

Begging me to sit on my lap with her favorite morning cup of Fruit Loops, lol.Proud of her solution!Now, shall I check my email or Facebook?Mama and Ciara


Karin said...

Oh my gosh...she is so CUTE! She looks like she has melted fabulously into your family SO quickly! Praise God!! :)

Anonymous said...

I like Ciara's laptop computer; it is so cute. The photograph of you and Ciara is heartwarming.