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Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I borrowed this poem from another mommy with our adoption agency that is waiting to get her daughter in China. It's our Ciara's story and every other orphan's story. It's a challenge my family accepted not through any goodness on our parts, but because a loving God called us to accept it, a loving God willed it to be so, and then a loving God who told us to wait then entrusted us with a precious little girl. Do you hear Him calling you? Are you finally ready to accept His challenge?

Every call has a beginning…
A quiet moment when God whispers a promise to a mother’s heart
A holy place where a father bows and faithfully accepts the journey set before him.

A miraculous morning that unexpectedly dawns…

Casting its first light on a chosen threshold.

A gentle knock…

A closed door opens.

A sacred invitation sent by the Father…

Leads to the other side of the world.
Where lonely hearts stare out orphanage windows
Praying for someone to care.

And then one morning…

On an ordinary day
An orphan’s life changes…
God sends them a second chance…

Through you.

* * * * *
And speaking of borrowing things, I also borrowed this photo from a fellow travel buddy's blog 'cause I knew she wouldn't mind.

This was our travel group while in China.

The babies from left to right are Shawna (18 months), Ciara (2 1/2), Heather (3 1/2), Harper (16 months), and Zadie (2 1/2)


Anonymous said...

Five babies with a second chance ....

Karin said...

I love that poem...I posted it on my blog last year. What a sweet, sweet picture of your travel group! LOVE IT!!!