Monday, December 29, 2008
This One Closed The Deal
Saturday, December 27, 2008
A Christmas Visit to Granny's
Here's our family's whole next generation sitting together enjoying pizza at one table. I pray it's always like this with these seven. The youngest member of our extended family, Lilly Mae
My oldest brother Jeff enjoying some quality holding time with Lilly
Like father (Chris) like son (Christopher), both playing video games
Gorgeous Lyndsey (Jeff's daughter) with Lilly
McKayla getting the ole classic pit job from her cousins.
The whole tribe!
Lilly is packed up and ready to go home
My neice Lyndsey, nephew Shane, brother Jeff and sister-in-law Kathy
And the day wouldn't be complete without a final shot of Logan May
Friday, December 26, 2008
A Star Is Born
The sound on this didn't come out real well, but if you put headphones on, you should be able to hear it. At first she starts out with "I'm not a failure," (which she got from one of the movies she watches), lol, and then she switches to a little bit from "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town," and then just some random musings of her own.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
It's Christmas, It's Christmas!
I can't believe it, a recliner just for me?Future folk singer?
A girl can never have too many shoes!
Roger putting together some games.
Pappy and Logie enjoying their recliners together
Leyna modeling her new robe
The chef making us breakfast
The little princess pondering life
Leyna's new aroma therapy slippers, lol
On a side note, the morning started out with what I thought was a disaster. I've been watching this chubby little grey squirrel outside all summer, fall and now winter. When I went to call out our bedroom window for Roger down at the barn (for you city folk we yell in these parts), there on the road was a chubby little grey squirrel that had been hit sometime after 11 PM last night. I was a little bummed, but imagine my surprise when I looked out our kitchen door later today and saw this...