It's 2:45 a.m. and everyone in my house is sound asleep; that is, except me. I just finished wrapping and setting out the last gift and I just couldn't go to sleep without sharing my Christmas Eve with you all. First of all, I grew up with three younger brothers and let me tell you they haven't changed a bit as you'll see from the pictures I TRIED to take. I can't even show you a few of them for reasons I won't go into, but any of you that have brothers know exactly the kind of pictures I'm referring to. In fact, the only nice pictures were those taken of the ladies and my Roger, who doesn't behave like that either, lol, he takes wonderful pictures (Sharon, that was for you and no, I didn't get the picture you wanted either!). All 18 of us once again gathered at Shawn and Shelley's house for Christmas Eve to eat, open gifts, to eat......what else? Oh, yeah, we ate, and then of course the picture taking, and then we ate some more. This first one is Logan earlier before we left to attend Bible Study.
McKayla, Shane, Lyndsey and Josh
All the grandkids, except Leyna who refused, lol
Leyna and Logan
Shawn and Shelley
My sister-in-law Kathy with my mom
My oldest brother Jeff and wife Kathy. Are you noticing a pattern with the faces my brothers are making? This went on all night long.
Me and my good, well-mannered husband.
Chris and Amanda. He's laughing because of the faces he made in the previous three attempts.
Gee, do these two look anything alike?
Amanda and Logie
Some of the guys, the others were edited out, lol
This time ALL the girls!
Amanda and Christopher
Even Walter had the decency to smile for the camera!
Beautiful McKayla
The pre morning frenzy booty.
I hope everyone has a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
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