This morning our whole tribe (18) converged on my granny's house for our annual Christmas visit. My Aunt Sues and Uncle Gary along with their two grown boys, Justin and Bryan, also came over, and of course Justin brought his sweet little daughter Lilly Mae with him {this visit was conditional on him bringing her I might add}, which brought the grand total at granny's house to 24. You may remember Lilly Mae from my 8-18-08 post about her arrival into this world weighing a little over 4 lbs. Well, she has grown and at four and a half months is getting to be quite the chunk, but she's adorable of course, and such a sweet baby. My Aunt Sues and Uncle Gary can hardly stand being grandparents to her :)
Here's our family's whole next generation sitting together enjoying pizza at one table. I pray it's always like this with these seven. The youngest member of our extended family, Lilly Mae
My oldest brother Jeff enjoying some quality holding time with Lilly
Like father (Chris) like son (Christopher), both playing video games
Gorgeous Lyndsey (Jeff's daughter) with Lilly
McKayla getting the ole classic pit job from her cousins.
The whole tribe!
Lilly is packed up and ready to go home
My neice Lyndsey, nephew Shane, brother Jeff and sister-in-law Kathy
And the day wouldn't be complete without a final shot of Logan May
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